Sunday, March 10, 2013

4DP5DT- This is Craziness

First of all, didn't I swear I would never use any of those stupid abbreviations that are so present in infertility social media and message boards? For anyone who doesn't know what those crazy letters and numbers mean, it means 4 Days Past 5 Day Transfer.  That means that 4 days ago I had a 5 day embryo transferred.  So tomorrow we will be 5DP5DT.  We don't have pictures of what our little embryo looked like, but it should have been something like this...

There are two different cell masses, the part that will become the baby and the part that will become the placenta.  The larger mass in the middle will become the baby and the thinner areas around the edges the placenta.

So how do I feel 4 days in? Impatient to say the least.  I think google should be taken away from me as I can't seem to stop looking up what every little feeling I have is.  In all seriousness, the only "symptoms" I seem to have are extremely swollen and sore breasts and being really really tired.  Yesterday I left the house for just a few hours to sit on the bleachers at the local ballpark and watch my hubby play softball.  When we got home I fell asleep on the couch twice between 8:00 and 9:00.  Mr. D. made me go to bed, he says the little blastocyst needs me to rest :)

Here's to hoping I can stay patient until Friday and that this little guy keeps growing inside there!

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