I got off work about 3:00 yesterday and headed home to meet Mr. D. so that he could take me to acupuncture and then to the big appointment. I'll have to do a post sometime on my acupuncture studio. It's a different setup, a community acupuncture studio where the treatment is done in a room with several people receiving treatment at a time.
After my treatment, I chugged a whole quart of water (holy full bladder!) and then we headed to our favorite pet store to kill some time before the appointment. Mr. D. wanted to get the doggies a special treat (as usual). We headed next door to get a good luck hug from my sister, she works at the same bank that I do and her branch was right there.
By the time we got to Dr. M's office, I had to pee so badly I thought I was going to die. Fortunately, our wait was really short. He brings in an outside ultrasound technician for this procedure, and she was VERY nice. She took us into the ultrasound room (which was like 90 degrees to keep the embys warm) and we did an abdominal ultrasound to see how full my bladder was, and then gave me a paper cup to empty my bladder, telling me I could fill it 1 1/2 times. She is my new favorite. When I was done, she had me undress on the bottom and she did another quick abdominal ultrasound and decided my bladder looked good.
At this point, Dr. M., a nurse, Dr. C. (the embryologist) and the nice ultrasound tech were all in the room. They moved this super bright light, that I swear looked like a stage light, into position pointed straight at my lady parts and brought out my friends, the stirrups. This is the part where it got uncomfortable. I had no idea a speculum could get that big. Dr. M. was telling me to relax down there so he could insert it more easily. Excuse me, you try relaxing when a strange man and three of his coworkers are inserting a giant piece of metal into your hoo-ha.
Once he had the speculum in place, the ultrasound tech put the probe on my belly to make sure my uterus was easy to access and so that she could monitor the catheter once it was inserted. The cleaned the inside of my uterus with large q-tip things. That part didn't hurt necessarily, but it was not comfortable. Think about that mental image, yeah, not really pleasant. Now it was Dr. C's turn.
I should back track a little and say that when the embryos were frozen last October, there was one blastocyst and one 4-dayer (I can never remember what they're called). The plan had been to transfer both yesterday, but only the one little guy survived. That's okay though. Chances for twins are lower, and the one we transferred was an "AB" grade, so really healthy.
Dr. M. inserted a catheter until the nice ultrasound lady said it was in position. Then Dr. C. removed the inner part and went to fill it with our little frozen baby. This whole catheter part was painless, I couldn't even feel anything happening. I did, however, still have a giant speculum in there, so to say I was comfortable would be a big fat lie. I just did my best to hold my hubby's hand, take deep breathes and close my eyes.
When Dr. C. inserted the embryos, they waited for a few minutes and then removed everything and told me to lay on the left side for 15 minutes and then the right for the same. After some quick instructions we were free to go!
That brings me to here, laying on the couch, with the strictest bed rest nurse (AKA Mr. D.) ever! Hoping hoping hoping that little embryo is sticking in there and holding on tight!!!